Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets (Tomorrow Daily 165)
Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets (Tomorrow Daily 165)

Mini's AR glasses go from your car to the streets (Tomorrow Daily 165)

On today's show, a creepy humanoid robot that can read your facial expressions, Disney's 3D printer that uses fabric instead of plastic, And some AR goggles that you're supposed to wear while you drive around, so that's weird. Can't possibly go wrong. Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] TD. Tomorrow Daily. Greetings citizens of the internet. Welcome to Tomorrow Daily. The best geek talk-show in the known universe. I'm Ashley Esqueda. Join me as always. Khalil Anonymous. Yes, you beat me to it. But yes, that is your name. Yep. Congrat, I'm so happy. Yeah, because we get to talk about AR today. So I'm very excited about that. We do. And it's really cool and futuristic. as all they are, yep. As all our show is. So let's do the headlines. [MUSIC] All right, so let's, let's jump right into this augmented reality because I've actually been tracking this story for a while. Okay. So this is a brand new AR technology. We've seen Microsoft. Hollow lens. But now, a, and we've also seen Google Glass, who cares. Yeah. But now BMW's decided to make some AR goggles. Goggles, not glasses, AR goggles. They look like old-timey pilot goggles. And you're supposed to wear them not only while you're walking around and doing stuff but also while you drive, cause it's BMW. Oh, that seems dangerous. There's some pretty cool tech, a lot of stuff that Google Glass promised us, but a little bit more enhanced. So let me talk about what's being shown off in this video a little bit in case you're not hearing it. Okay. So you put on these. Goofy looking goggles. It looks like you're going to get in a sidecar in a motorcycle and put on a scarf. Yeah, it looks pretty dorky. But anyway, you put on these goggles. It's really cool. You put on these goggles and there's a lot of features that you wouldn't expect from driving goggles. For one, when you're looking around, you have. Like live GPS. It'll show you up in your, just up wherever you're looking, like, to turn left, to turn right. Also, you don't really have blind spots any more because it lets you see through the car. Whoa. Because, for these goggles, they're, they're built to work with your Mini Cooper. Oh, okay. And your Mini Cooper will have cameras on the car so that you can basically see through your car. It, it really is a lot to promise and they're saying that, it. It's unavailable right now, it's still kind of a concept. But, it's coming sooner than we might think. Which I think is the case for all AR. Every single AR it's gonna just pop up on your desk- I think you're right. I, I think by this year we'll start seeing the consumer one. << Yeah. << But like next year it'll start like. << It'll blow up next year. << Spool it up, yeah, once people get over their watches. << I think you're right. I think that you're right in that AR is gonna be like a consumer technology that people, like everyday people use because it gives you that sort of, like you were saying with the poster. It's like, oh well, it's sold out or oh there's tickets. You can buy tickets, like. It gives people that sorta everyday experience as opposed to VR where it's like, go hang out in Jurassic Park. Like. Yeah. It's accentuating your reality. Mm. That should be it. Ac, accentuate reality really. Accentuate. But yeah. So another one of the things that they showed off in this. So they've been working on this since 2009 which is crazy. Actually much longer. That is crazy. Six years [CROSSTALK] But one of the things they show off in one of their old-timey videos. was that you can put on the goggles and it will give you, like, a step by step tutorial on how to fix your car. It will make it so you see your engine and it's, like, 3-D and it will be like, then remove the muffler and it will, like, artificially remove the muffler and you're, like, oh, why am I removing my muffler? But it's, it's like an x-ray vision. So they're trying to make your car. Like a whole other experience. Yeah. Interactive sort of experience. That's crazy. So, that brings us to the TD of the day. It does. The TD of the day. So this is the question that we have for you. Our hashtag is #TDCars and we want to know from you, our lovely viewer, what's the extra tech you'd come up with for your driving experience. What would you like to add to your driving experience if you could. in the future, if you want to join BMW and help them come out with something else, what would you want? That's a really tough one. I think I'd want the ability to-, I'd want my car to be able to, like, okay, if we're really getting hypothetical here, I'm assuming at some point hyper loop is going to be real because these are my dreams and I want it to happen really bad. So I would like the ability to just link my really awesome car to the hyperloop and just like shoot my car up to San Francisco in six minutes. Oh, oh, you are going extremely big, it's not just- I'm all in, I'm all in on like this future world. I want to be able to drive my little car up to, my little tiny, you know like the BMW. Q or the three, or the, what is it, I3 or is it super tiny like a mini? You drive it up. It's like a little capsule car. And it usually just shoots it out of a hyper loop. So then I could just say time travel. No, it's a hyper loop! [LAUGH] It's not time travel. Come on! Well I'm just saying if we're going to that extreme. Oh yeah, you can pick time travel. I pick time travel. Yeah sure, yeah, all right. I think hyperloop is more likely than time travel, but okay, fine, time travel. I think maybe like a nice, some sort of beverage serving one. Oh. I know that that seems like super- but with all of these, how often people drink coffee and how little people actually drink the amount of water they're supposed to drink a day, if the car was kind of in assistance in that. Okay. And I know it's a. Super bougey for me to pick that. That is really bougey. But, hey. This is my choice. I'm Cale [UNKNOWN] And I'm not, I'm not like, well, I want it to drive me to places. I need my latte. We're going to get something like that. But if you like, you're driving around, I don't want to stop and get water, just [CROSSTALK] All right. All right. Just hit push. Press the button and a cup pops out. Yellow cup dispense just like a vending machine. Just pops out, puts your coffee in there and then, you get to go bee- I wanna be, I wanna, I don't wanna stop at Starbucks. Plus, it'll be- because I hate Starbucks. - self-driving at that point, anyway. So you, it won't even matter. And you sit there and read the paper, and shaving, drink your coffee. I am not all about all these like, self-driving cars just yet. Not yet? Nope. You don't trust them? Not yet. All right, fair enough. That's why I'm like, I'll try, this is something I trust that it won't **** up. We enter at making robots, I trust my car to make my drink. Make my, stop. Okay, I gotta tell you about Han. I guess Han, it could be Han. I'm gonna assume it's Han, no relation to Solo. This is from Hanson Robotics. They introduced this new. And it's probably Han. Super creepy robot. There he is. [LAUGH] Named Hans. Hans the robot. Named, named creepy uncle. Named super creepy robot face with clear body. He made his debut at the Global Sources Electronics Fair in Hong Kong. And his face is made of this material that Hanson Robotics called, and this is not a joke, rubber. Which is short for flesh rubber, which are two words that I would never like to see next to each other in a sentence again in my life. It's really lifelike and creepy. And it's, like we said, it's mounted on a clear body, which is also super weird. But okay, now we're getting into the robotic part of what he's able to do. So yeah I don't like that skin. That's really weirding me out. He is programmed to recognize and interact with people in front of him. So they will interview him. They're asking him questions like where were you born. So he gives pretty boilerplate answers, kinda standard like. Robotic answers. But, he can maintain eye contact because he has tracking devices in him than enables him to maintain eye contact with you. He can identify your facial expressions and respond in kind. So if you're angry, he might give you a, more of a soft look. To try to soothe your anger, things like that. And, forty motors underneath that really creepy face mask that is controlling him. Voice recognition and, they were saying it's potentially, the use case for this would be like kind of a customer service robot in hotels. Museums, like for tours, tour guides, things like that. And, they are actually, this is going to be a commercialized robot. They will be bring a, a version of this robot to commercial markets. However, it will be a female robot named Ava. Which if it's any indicator, if Han is any indicator, I am already frightened of. And they are going into production, full production later this year. So much sooner than most people would imagine. That, that.>> So, these people, their tech is not just the rubber, but also the robotics? Yes. Okay. What's the programming behind his reactions and interactions and stuff like that? So he has like, sensors and everything that sort of, he has voice recognition so he's able to kind of talk back if people ask him questions, but they're really simple questions. So he doesn't have an AI that's really intelligent, there all kind of preprogrammed answers that I would imagine you would kind of. In a service situation, you'd go up to a hotel. And it would here those words, check in. And it would sort of hear those words, check in, and say okay. You'd like to check in. Like [UNKNOWN] when you call customer service line on the phone and say what would you like to do today. And you'd have to tell it. And then it says, oh, you'd like a representative. Like, give me one minute. So I figure it would be something similar to that. Have you ever seen' Total Recall' and Johnny Bot? Yeah. That's what this looks like. I'm I'm Johnny Bot and he drives a cab around. Yeah. It's not it's it's uncanny valley. It's really uncanny valley. Like this, first of all, they shouldn't have picked the guy that looks like he could have beat my ****. Like destroy me. Yeah! Looks like... But, I will say this. This kind of technology cuz it, they want it to do customer service. It would be really cool if they were to use it at a place like Disneyland and make it a character from like a movie. So, if it was like Mickey Mouse and he works customer service. That would be pretty cool. And you go to a resort and you're like, Mickey where's the bathroom? He goes, haha down to the left haha. [INAUDIBLE] Have a magical day. And then he strangles you because robots are terrifying. Aw, this isn't fight nights at Freddy's. No. But, no, it's, there he is. Oh my God, Thank you, Producer Logan. There is Johnny Bot. Yeah. Just creepy and gross. Like. This is Johnny Bot's, like, older brother. It's supposed to look happy and fun and helpful and it just, you. No. You know you're not dealing with a real. Human being. And it's terrifying. But I'm telling you, it, they make it look like a char, like, if you're interacting with like, Indiana Jones, and he's telling you, like. That'd be really cool. The buffet opens at 11 AM. But does that take you- That would be awesome! Does that take you out of, though? Like, to have him say. Say like, the buffet is over this way, cuz he's Harrison Ford, and it's like, you don't want Harrison, you don't want Indiana Jones telling you where the buffet is. By this time, they will have figured it out. True. They've got that, that turtle talk crush thing. Yeah, yeah, where it's all interactive, okay. They will have the technology where they, they. They can talk to people a lot. If they get that going, I am so in. Kills me. I am totally in for that. He's serious. They already have talking Mickey Mouses at, I don't know why I'm trying to sell it to Disney. I don't know. But I'm telling you, if they're gonna do customer service, they need to make it a characterized. so that it finds safe round in between- A friendly face. Yeah, I see what you mean. It's approachable. It's really approachable and people want to interact with it. You have to make it so people want to interact with it. It's already something fake. Speaking of Disney. All right, so there you go, creepy still. Whatever. Speaking of Disney, you actually provided me with an excellent segue. Speaking of Disney, Disney research. Earning my paycheck. Yeah, you're earning that check, we're going to pay you in quarters. We do pay Kale in quarters. So Disney research has a 3-D printer that I thought was pretty interesting. It actually is using fabric to 3-D print, which is weird and cool. They're trying to make pliable or at least soft, semi-rigid objects. For 3D printing. And so this 3D printer uses fabric as its main material, so it's gonna make a little rabbit. Kay, so the 3D printer's gonna make a little rabbit. And what is does, is instead of a traditional 3D printer where you have it printing layer after layer of plastic. It's actually it's you can see what it's doing right now. It is a laser that is a cutting out the outline of every single layer of this rabbit. From a roll of felt, like a really big roll of felt. And then heat sensitive adhesive gets applied between every layer. So as they built it, it's like okay, layer, got a, this is sped up times seven, but it's like okay, layer, laser cut it, add this layer of like adhesive. Warm it so that it becomes adhesive, because it's not adhesive until it gets heat, headed up. And then they keep adding over and over and over again until they have this sort of 3-D printed soft object. But one of the neat things about this is that it is multi-material. So this 3-D printer can use 2 different types of fabric in a single object. Making it possible for things like embedding circuit prints into pieces of fabric. So you are to sort of make things connected. You could make Internet of things objects. You could make things that have circuit boards ingrained in them, which is pretty cool. So yeah. It's, they made a two and a half inch tall rabbit. It took two and a half hours. Do we have the finished result? I think so. I think we have it. It's towards the end of the video. So there it is. It's a little, it's a little tiny rabbit. So the bunny, they did a bunny print test. [LAUGH] Remember it's a test. Look, it's soft thought. Cuz that's the thing that's kind of crazy. It's not rigid. I was really expecting something better. You're like, that is not a rabbit. I really was. Not that this, not that there's anything wrong. I guess that it's layered and it's soft. Yeah, that's pretty cool. All right, so you can make anything. So here's the interesting thing. You totally made the point of what, what I was about to say next. Which is, they were saying that we know that it looks super weird and not. It looks really rough when it's small but a larger print, the layers, because the layers have to be a certain thickness because they're using felt, they can't have it super fine and they can't sand the edges of it. So, they said the bigger the item is, the smoother all the edges would be and look. So, they're like, if we made something, a rabbit that was much bigger it would look much better. It's just, and it would be much smoother because the size of the felt makes it so that smaller objects look lot rougher. << I could see this being used for like cosplay or something like that, you know, making costumes or something. << Cosplay, I, like custom toys at like if you like the gift shop. << Oh, that, look at that! Look at what they're doing. << Yeah, like so that's what, you can put in like different electronics. << You know. To make them interactive. Your custom toys in a gift shop idea was something that I had, but the flaw, how long did to make that ugly little bunny? Well, they said two and a half hours. Two and a half hours for the ugly little bunny? Let's say you're at a theme park and you're there for the week. Or, you could order it beforehand and pick it up when you go there. So that would be a good thing. You could model it online in a little program. Send it to the park, and then you pick it up at the park, and that would be like, your big souvenir for the, for the time. Anyway. Just something to think about. No, it's something to think about. Kinda cool. Yeah. Very curious that Disney's doing it, too, though. Doing these really like, weird, sort of interactive, kind of,. Projects that are, like, researched based. Oh, look at this. Yeah, like, so that the fabric there able to, like, communicate with this board inside the fabric to, like, make the eyes light up or, like, LED light up and stuff. It's pretty cool. That's still pretty ugly. It's still super flexible. But yeah, I can see the potential. Interesting beginnings. Yeah. Interesting beginning. Very interesting that they're showing it off so boldly. Yeah, very much. They're just, like. This is all the stuff [UNKNOWN]. [UNKNOWN] Let's go with this. Alright, let's work. So that's. That's it for the headlines. We'll be back. It's new release day. So we have all kinds of crazy stuff with, with the caveat. It's kind of entertaining. But, that, and then we, of course, have your [UNKNOWN] feedback and our phone [UNKNOWN] of the day, so don't click away. It's Tomorrow Daily. [MUSIC] Welcome back to the show. It's Tuesday. Woo! We are always excited about Tuesdays because we get to tell you about all the things that are gonna make us broke. It's new releases. [MUSIC] You know, some of us are already broke. [LAUGH] I'm just kidding. I go broke every week. It's just like constant cycle. Watch this show because we're already broke. That's a good point. Yeah. You make a good point. No, but there is some good stuff out. Good stuff but. All, just about everything this week is stuff that already has a pre-existing release, but is, like, either an update or an expansion or, you know, the, so, we'll, we'll get into this. Okay. Okay. First thing out this week, super excited, Mario Kart 8, second DLC. 200 cc racing. New track, six new tracks. Two new cups. Is this the, Animal Crossing one? Yes. [UNKNOWN] the Villager, you got Dry Bones as one of the racers. They got new racers, they've got all kinds of new stuff, but the 200 CC racing is the thing I'm most excited about. Oh no, I've got to live stream this tonight. Oh, it's going to be so funny. It doesn't come out until Friday. Friday, Friday, Friday. What? Well, all Nintendo releases, they release stuff on Friday. No, I'm throwing away my Wii-U. Throw it out. But, yeah, they even have like the ba, yeah, look at, look at this [UNKNOWN]. Oh, my god. I'm so excited about this you don't even know. I'm freakin' out. So I'm, I already paid for this, like, way back. Yeah, you're [UNKNOWN], so, Way back. I'll be crushing Michael Hobbs in this by, on Friday night. And then the second thing that's coming out this week which,. I have to just, I encourage you to pick up this game if you don't have it. Shovel Knight is coming out for Playstation products. So Playstation 3, PS4, and Playstation Vita. If you have a Vita, get this game on your Vita, it's amazing. Shovel Knight is so much like, old retro games, but in the best ways. The soundtrack is amazing, the gameplay is incredible, the controls are so good, like. This is literally a modern, it's not even a reimagining. It's just, it's a really clever and modern take on old school gaming. This is considered one of the best indie games of all time. Easily one of the best I have ever played, and I play a lot of indie games. I, I haven't heard one bad thing about this game. Yeah, it's so, so good. I haven't played it. It's so good. Is it on PC? I think you can get it on Steam, I think. Okay cool. It's only you, though, so if you have Wii U, you can [CROSSTALK] This looks so much like Rogue Legacy that I didn't play. But isn't that Kratos? Yeah. That's Kratos. They did it for the, for the promo. They're like, they dropped him in there and everyone was like, oh my God, it's Kratos. Like they're freaking out. So, yeah, I, like I'm telling you, it's usually pretty inexpensive, like under 15 bucks. It's so worth it. I love Shovel Knight. I'm a huge Shovel Knight fan. Also coming out this week, if you've reordered and you got the pre-order in before it got pushed back is the Apple Watch. Oh my God, you're gonna have a watch. You're going to get watched. [UNKNOWN] Beep, beep, beep, beep. We're not. We're not getting the watch. We're not getting it but, yeah, I guess Apple changed the website to now say, like, you can't get it on April 24th because they're super sold out of them, but they are coming out this week and, of course, if you preordered one you'll be- Wait a minute, producer Logan was getting one. Are you getting one producer Logan? Not anymore. Boom, not anymore. There it is. There you go. If you're getting. 303. If you're getting an Apple watch like tweet at us or send us. Let us know. Send us a photo. Yeah. Or, can it take photos? It can't take photos. No, there's no camera on board. You know, I used to have a watch that would take photos. [INAUDIBLE] They do? Yeah. And have a little, little camera on it. Oh, yeah, yeah. I also had a walkie talkie watch. Uh-huh. Yeah. I had a, remember the old, the old **** Tracy watches, when the **** Tracy movie in the 90's came out with Warren Beatty and Madonna. Did, didn't they [UNKNOWN] them at McDonald's or something? I had one of those and I loved it. I think so, yeah. I loved that watch. So let's get those instead. Yes, totally. I would go buy those in a heartbeat. Yeah. Yeah, let us know what you [INAUDIBLE]. if you think if you get it, anything, so- Please, tell us. Can they watch Tomorrow Daily on there? I wouldn't because the battery life is not so great. But can they is the- I don't know. Logan, can they watch Tomorrow Daily on the watch? Can you watch video on the Apple watch? I don't think so. I don't think so. You can't watch video on the watch? I think pictures you can, pictures you can see. Okay. And then the very last thing that's coming out this week is actually. A Blu-Ray release as a combo pack. Breakin' and Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo is out this week. [APPLAUSE] We did it. Yes. If you haven't. Take that, Shovelmite. Hey, listen. If you haven't seen Breakin', or Breakin', Breakin' 2: Electric Boogaloo, I'd say is the bigger classic, but if you haven't seen these movies, like, they're. Hilariously bad in all the best ways. And it's all like battles, like every fight's like break dancing. It's just, listen guys. Just see this movie, that's all I'm telling you. But it's out on Blu-Ray, and it's a combo pack, and it's a great party movie. Have you seen this movie? I've seen Breakin' 2. Okay. And I, I've seen seen parts of Breakin' 1, but I haven't seen the whole movie. Is it four by three? It looks like it's in four by three. I'm sure it is. I, but it's, it's out on Blu-Ray. So what. What's the pros of having it in Blu-ray? If it's in four by three it looks SD. Listen, in doesn't matter. You can watch Breakin Two on YouTube and still get the amount of enjoyment that you could get watching it in Blu-ray, I'm just letting you know that if you're a film enthusiast, you must own this combo pack. If you're a film enthusiast you have to have Breakin' Two, I totally agree with that. Yes. I think Lenard Moulton. Look at this. Look at this! It's amazing. It's amazing. It's timeless. As in it doesn't exist in any time period that anyone should of ever remembered. Every, yeah. [LAUGH] Exactly. But look at the transfer. It's really good. They saw HD and stuff. I mean it's, yeah. You gotta, you gotta check it out. [APPLAUSE] So good, it's bad. So bad, it's good? So good, it's bad. It could be either. But just FYI. Those are your new releases. Okay. We gotta talk about what you guys have to say about yesterdays episode. So it is time for User Feedback. There will never be a good segue for that, for that. Ever. [LAUGH] Especially not break in two. You can't segue out of that without, I mean, taking a dip in quality. Just how it is. Sorry. Yesterday we asked you guys to use the hashtag, tdnail to. To tell us what kind of technology you want on your nails, yeah, whether you want a touch screen. A very strange question, so I assume the answers are just as strange. Super weird, but in all good ways. Frank wrote in and said, I was an Apple Pay on my nail. Quick and easy way to pay because time is gold! I like that he's [UNKNOWN]. Look at it, I like that he has [UNKNOWN] [NOISE]. This Photoshop, it really makes me believe that they, they really want it to happen. They really want it. Or they really want this joke to [LAUGH] [UNKNOWN]. Because you took the time. I like it. So good on you [UNKNOWN]. Yeah. No matter what. No matter what. Michael wrote in and said the ability to shave quick and easy, td nail, no razor, no blood. Like, how would that work? You just tap your finger and your hair falls out of your face? I think it means you go like this. You just go like this and it maybe sends an electrical signal, it's like electrolysis. You like, make a goatee. No, I like that. All right. It's just very scary to have a razor on your- But he said no razor. No. That's what I'm saying, he said hashtag #NoRazor. Alright. I'll I'll buy it. You're dangerous. Jesus wrote it said, nail thermometer; you have the flu and suck your thumb to know if you need to call Mom for some chicken noodle soup. I think you go a step further and say if you have a fever, it automatically notifies your mom. And said you need new. You can't fake school? I mean you can't fake it to go to like, you can't be Ferris Buller, then. No, there's none of that. Sorry guys. Unless you hack it. No ditch days. You could hack it, you could definitely hack into your hail, your cyber. Your nail, your cyborg nail, your bionic nail. And then we got an email from Chris and said the thumb nail is a great place to put a passive NFC chip, so your phone unlocks when you pick it up, which is a better option than the NFC tattoo unless you put the NFC tattoo on your thumb nail. Brilliant. That's a pretty good one. That's a good one, I like that. Yeah. NFC! NFC! Right, you could also do the pay thing too in that. You might as well. The NFC yeah, boop, boop, boop, you're just using it to scan a bunch of stuff. I would like that a lot. Yeah that way it's not like burned onto your skin. Put your business card in your thumbnail. Business card transfer. Oh **** that's such a we, could you imagine two business men are like that are like. That's great, [INAUDIBLE] stupendous. << Well, no you just scan it over your, like your phone would scan a thumb. << And then they, then they touch each other's. << No then you have a thumb war and whoever wins, you get the data. << I like that. You get all the business, yeah. << Yeah, you get all the business. So that's user feedback, except for our very last user feedback, which is always our phonetographer of the day. [MUSIC] Jessie wrote in, oh, okay. I gotta be honest with you. I'm spoiled after yesterday. This better be somebody's baby. Somebody, well, could it be like a photosynthesis bab, a baby of nature? [INAUDIBLE] Could be nature, nature baby. I'd like to, oh, yeah, I'd like to bet. That's cool. Okay. Nature baby. Jesse wrote in, said, hello Ashley and Khail. We all have spring fever here in Colorado and I thought I'd share with you guys a tulip in our front yard. This is shot on my iPhone 6, although I absolutely hate it. Wait, what? He hates his iPhone 6. I still thought it was a good picture. I'm a new watcher, but I can say that I will be watching the show every day that it is on. Wait, what? But look at this great picture. We'll talk about that in a second. Look at what a nice picture. Seed of nature, baby. It's a flower, baby. It, it is, it is an incredible flower. Very detailed. It's insane. So pretty. Makes me wanna run outside and frolic in a, in a meadow somewhere. I really wish I knew why he hated, look, I'm not- Please, no. An iPhone person. I, I, you know, right now I'm using a Note. I haven't, I also haven't He big into Note. I, I love this, but w, why do you hate your iPh, like, I don't- Write back to us, Jessie, and tell us why you hate your iPhone. Why do you hate your iPhone? I'm dy, I'm just curious. [CROSSTALK] I mean, again, I don't like it, I just for your our own personal reasons. We'd just like to know. It's a good phone, though. Yeah. But, huh? Huh? He's like, check out this photo! I hate my phone! I hate my phone! Alright, no it's great! It's the worst, I wish it was just go out. And and get well! Cause he's got spring fever. Yeah, you have spring fever, that's that's serious. If you had a, a touchscreen on your nail you could suck your thumb. Get some chicken noodle soup. They're weird. If you guys wanna send over your phonetography, if you would like to send over segment ideas, story ideas, whatever you want, e-mail us tomorrow at Of course, we are all over the Internet, on social media, we're @TomorrowDaily, we're all over the Internet, all over the shop, like spaghetti on the wall, just, just look for Tomorrow Daily. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,. Snapchat, Tumblr, we're everywhere. I might shut down that Snapchat, though, cuz no one ever uses it, no one ever texts us, no one ever Snaps us. You don't know how to Snapchat. I don't know how to use it, I'm old, I'm an old woman, I'm gonna die soon, I just, I don't know if it's for me. So, I'm saying guys. I can't I can't handle all of this, the social media all at once. It's too hard. You're shutting down your snap because you're going to die soon? Probably. Fair enough. You know I'm just getting old. If you're a YouTube, watcher, don't forget to like your favorite live feed the same thing that everyone asks you to do! And leave a comment, so we can talk to you guys. And if you're listening on iTunes don't forget to rate and review. Follow us on our personal twitter. [INAUDIBLE] And @AshleyEsqueda. That's it for the show today. We're going to be back tomorrow with a brand new docket of weird science facts, science fiction, colliding, smashing together and becoming great things. But until then everyone, be a good human and we'll see you next time. Bye. [MUSIC] TD Tomorrow Daily.

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Microsoft HoloLens meets Legendary movie characters in new demo (Tomorrow Daily 406)

Microsoft HoloLens meets Legendary movie characters in new demo (Tomorrow Daily 406)

Man bikes across the VR (Tomorrow Daily 405)

Man bikes across the VR (Tomorrow Daily 405)

Getting a tattoo from an industrial robot looks intense (Tomorrow Daily 404)

Getting a tattoo from an industrial robot looks intense (Tomorrow Daily 404)

This robot will pop by and check on your nana at the old folks home (Tomorrow Daily 403)

This robot will pop by and check on your nana at the old folks home (Tomorrow Daily 403)

Massive car-straddling bus completes test journey in China (Tomorrow Daily 402)

Massive car-straddling bus completes test journey in China (Tomorrow Daily 402)

Tech Shows

The Apple Core

The Apple Core

Alphabet City

Alphabet City

CNET Top 5

CNET Top 5

The Daily Charge

The Daily Charge

What the Future

What the Future

Tech Today

Tech Today

Cooley On Cars

Cooley On Cars



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